Strategic Redirection through Litigation: Forgoing the anti-trafficking framework to address labour abuses experienced by migrant sex workers


  • Alison Clancey
  • Frances Mahon



Response to the ATR debate proposition ‘It is worth undermining the anti-trafficking cause in order to more directly challenge the systems producing everyday abuses within the global economy.’


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Author Biographies

Alison Clancey

Alison Clancey is the Executive Director of SWAN Vancouver. Alison’s interests are the production and politicisation of trafficking knowledge, crimmigration, and the policing of sex work. She holds a Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Victoria, Canada.

Frances Mahon

Frances Mahon is the owner and founder of Mahon & Company, a progressive litigation boutique in Vancouver specialising in criminal law, immigration and refugee law, and constitutional law. She has appeared in courts and tribunals across the country, including the Supreme Court of Canada. Frances is often invited to speak on Charter and human rights issues, and she has provided expert witness testimony to both the Senate and the House of Commons. She is proud to support communities who have historically lacked access to justice, including the LGBTQ2S people, im/migrants, sex workers, prisoners, and many others.




How to Cite

Clancey, A., & Mahon, F. (2020). Strategic Redirection through Litigation: Forgoing the anti-trafficking framework to address labour abuses experienced by migrant sex workers . Anti-Trafficking Review, (15), 171–175.